Sent Out in Song


              The Hymn “The Canticle of the Turning” is a favorite among a whole generation of Lutherans, probably all for vaguely the same reason, it was sung at an especially powerful moment in their life. For me it was sung before my cohort of Young Adults in Global Mission left the Lutheran Center in Chicago to our particular destinations around the world. A one-man band sent us off; if I remember correctly, he was simultaneously playing bagpipes, a harmonica, and drums. He played as all of us excited and anxious young people sang Mary’s song about the transformation of the whole world on account of her son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. It was the song that sent us out into the world to join in that mission. In my case that song sent me to an 850-year-old English abbey converted into a retreat centre where I cleaned rooms, taught kids archery, and served booze to Anglican Bishops.

              I think that song was sung in LTSP’s chapel the night I and 11 other seminarians found out which regions and synods “drafted” us. I found out that night that I was being called by God to serve as a Pastor in the New Jersey Synod. God, through the process of candidacy in the ELCA, was sending me to Jersey.

              We sang that song too at our wedding—Lisa’s and I. “The world is about to change.” Those gathered there at our Dinner-Church/Agape Meal wedding, were sending us into a new vocation, God was calling the two of us to marriage. I was being called to be Lisa’s husband!

              Being sent by God—we do that every Sunday—we are sent out to witness that the world has been changed and join in what God is up to, God’s ongoing transformation of this world. We are sent out to be faithful in particular callings, particular roles, relationships, and responsibilities. They are God’s calling on our life!


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