It is Good to Give God Thanks and Praise


A. Davey from Where I Live Now: Pacific Northwest, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

It is not good to denigrate God’s good creation, to cling to sarcasm and cynicism, instead of thanksgiving and praise. Likewise, it is not good to miss opportunities to be thankful, there are an awful lot of ways to join all the earth in praising God, we should take every one that we can, otherwise moments of sorrow and suffering might overwhelm us.


              It is good to celebrate everything God has first given us; to celebrate God’s world and celebrate with God’s world! We do so in worship, and if there are ways to make that more apparent, it is imperative that we do so.

              It is good to cultivate habits of gratitude, wherever they are found. Be they in daily humorous questions that jolt us into joy or joining various internet phenomena focused on thankfulness. These celebrations of goodness spin off cycles of virtue and awareness of what we already have that can lead to contentment. Even in the face of adversity, consistent practice of gratitude can transform a moment of loss or lack into the recognition of a gift—no longer taking a good thing for granted.


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